Another adventure

Another day when my human wasn't working. Another day when the skies were blue, and the sun was shining. Another day when Ann asked me if I'd like to go off on a little adventure................... Yay!

We jumped onto a no. 45 bus and went to Musselburgh, walked along the 'River Esk' to the racecourse and then around the lagoons. From there, we walked all the way along the coast to the end of 'Porty Beach' and jumped back onto another no. 45 bus to bring us home.

Our adventure was 7.5 miles long.  After about 4/5 miles we stopped at 'Fisherrow Harbour' for a little rest and my human bought some chips & gravy for lunch and she didn't share. Booohooo.

Got home at 3pm, just as the sun was disappearing and it was getting really cold.

We've had a lovely day out, and now we're warm and cosy indoors, and won't be going out again until it's time for my bedtime wee.

Happy Wednesday Evening Blippers. Xxx

PS – My human has just taken an electricity reading because she likes to try to submit one, once a month. How organised is she? We have two houses (one in Edinburgh & one in St Ives, both with EDF) and she's just discovered that her higher direct debit refers to her St Ives home and not her Edinburgh home. This is extremely worrying for two reasons...........

Her St Ives home has a smart meter so that bill is likely to be accurate, but because Ann thought that her higher direct debit payment belonged to our Edinburgh home (well, it's colder in the north and we do have a lot of heating on here) she's probably priced our St Ives home, that we rent out when we're not there, far too cheap???? Let's face it, … makers will just turn every single thing on and not bother to switch it off when they leave. We are sooooo lucky to have such a fabulous housekeeper looking after our property. Thank you Julia. xxxx
We don't, as yet, have a 'smart meter' in our Edinburgh home so Ann tries to send a reading every month. Sometimes she forgets?!! The last meter reading we sent was 10th Sept. ….....And then we turned everything off and went down to St Ives for 5 weeks. But................... our friend, Iain, came to stay in our flat for a week, (when we were away), and he left the immersion on forever.......................

My human says that she's going to go online now and increase our direct debit for our Edinburgh home by £66pm because that's how much the gov is paying us at the moment. The online review thingy says that EDF aren't going to review how much we pay until April 2023????? Seriously? We could be hundreds (if not thousands) of £s in debt by then. 

OK, RANT over??!!

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