
Everything has to be done in stages and it often takes a while to complete anything but there is progress... It's bit by bit and if I do too much my body certainly lets me know and I can't do anything for a while...
Yes was a much cooler morning and rain was expected so about 7:30am I went out to this garden bed and sat on my stool and with my little shovel I gradually dug all the Wild Iris out, I trimmed the straggly new growth from the Weeping Willows my bestie cut down the other month, then I pulled up the paving edge because some had sunk so I need to add some dirt to level them off again... That took me 45 mins with lots of rest in between it all...
The next stages - level the front pavers - spread the mulch that I got my son to dump in a pile when someone local got some trees cut down and mulched creating a huge mound that she offered to people for free, so my son did come and shovel some bags of mulch twice to help me out... Once it's covered in mulch I have 3 plants to plant but I need to place them first before planting them... All this has to be done in cooler temperatures of the days as the heat knocks me around too much...
I had to be in the shower by 8:30am and out the door by 9:00am to pick up Gayle by 9:15am and drop her at the hospital for her 10:00am appointment... ( Gayle is my friend who has Lulu the Border Collie that I've walked with at different stages - Gayle went through Breast Cancer 2 years ago with the lump removed and recently has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the opposite side, this time it's hormone related and the Dr is suggesting a Mastectomy mid January 2023 ) she had 2 appointments and had to do some blood tests, 2 hours later I picked her up and dropped her off and then I went home for a rest at drizzling rain had set in which is great for my plants...

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