By lizzie_birkett

Settle Craft Fair

At the Victoria Hall - the oldest Music Hall in the world!
It was a really good craft fair and I bought a few things including candles and Christmas cards from Tonya’s stall. Yurii was her assistant and they did very well ;-) 
I bought a framed print and 2 lovely knitted rainbow bobble hats and a little felt bird in a Scandi style.

I’ve just made an apple crumble which we will have after Frank’s cauliflower and chickpea curry which he has promised will be mild!
He keeps making things too hot and I cannot eat hot anymore.

Frank didn’t get home till after midnight last night! After the concert the whole choir went to the pub. When he got home he told me I’d missed a fabulous night because the director, Sue’s daughter and 2 friends came up from London to do a spot. Burlesque tap dancers! I can’t believe I missed them! I just hope there will be a video. Frank said they even removing clothing but not baring all! :-D))
We’ve got a busy week coming up. Tuesday afternoon art group, Tuesday evening Refugee group and at both we have to take drinks and nibbles - I’ll be good for nowt!
Wednesday morning Frank and I are driving up to Moniaive in Scotland to see Anna and the grandkids then on Thursday heading over to C Antrim via in Ireland via Cairnryan to visit his son - Sam and family. We’ll be leaving Bella with Tonya and Yurii - I hope that goes OK. Bella will be miserable no doubt, she hates anyone leaving, she likes everyone to be together all the time! 

Nearly teatime so I’ll sign off - Goodnight :-) X

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