Dalt Vila

Danny took Asha off up north as she was taking part in a podcast recording today. Her thing to muse on was why does being in nature make us feel happier. They were gone for a good few hours so Nate and I enjoyed some mom & boy time. We took washing back to friends, gave a sleeping bag, went to the pharmacy to get bandages for someone, chatted to a friend on a comedown and in need of more heroin... Made me wonder what on earth Nate will make of all this in the future. Also made me realise we really need to leave town if we want. day off as you can't wander around town and not bump into friends in need. 
When Danny and Asha were back we went to take Nate to the ice skating rink that's up for Christmas - 1€ for 30 minutes - a bargain!! Once he got used to it he absolutely loved it. 
Church tonight and Anna and Sam came along. It was more Roma than ever, ha! Very loud, very passionate, very wonderful. The kids and I did Christmas crafts which went down well. They all seemed to enjoy themselves. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Discovering our local Spar sells Salad Cream!!!!!!!!!! It brings back memories of sitting at my Nanny Violet's feet stealing chips off her plate and dipping them in salad cream.
2) Nate being absolutely lovely company this morning. 
3) Fun with the kids at church, including a new little girl who's only 3. 

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