A mixed up motley day.

The "Order of Service."
1st - I woke up to remember that, at 21:00, it'll be exactly six years to the date, day AND time, since Alice died.  In my, old fashioned, lexicon people do not "pass", you do THAT on the Motorway.

2nd - I was recently  volunteered to act as a photographer's model.  Part because a Model was rqd. and part to try and reconstruct a likeness to a photo of the late Terry Pratchett; for whom I was once mistaken. To see how like we could achieve.  If there is one suitable it may eventually appear.
SO - today Clicky asked me out to the Studio to collect them for a perusal.

3rd - En route home I was stopped, as were we all, by this Biker-Cop.  NO idea why - a prison van, an ambulance, a Radioactive load.
NAY, Mr. Wilkes!! (©Amos Brearly {remember him} )  It was another Copper, ONLY one & alone. DUH?!?       ( : ¬ o)  
Even more odd - he was waving vehicles OUT, none accompanied, none official, and he left once his Oppo passed. 
A rehearsal for thing(s) to come perhaps.

4th - No use crying - even over spilt Milk.  I'd not taken the Milk in so decided to do so on way back to the house.  Rejoicing over picking both up with left hand, (1st time since the Operation) I dropped one after 3-4 paces.

5th - That fabled beastie "The two-horned Dilemma"?  Presupposing I had wanted to return the "Correspondence" - WHERE TO?   ( : ¬ o) 

6th - "And, finally Cyril" © I've been reading a succession of ancient J. T. Edson's Cowboy/Western Books and found this Advert.  I couldn't resist an attempt to compare.  Online I could find variations from under £20 Plastic copied - through £20 for a true replica ---> £60---->£200   ( : ¬o)
Again with the jiggery pokery?  Yup - the left one is Rt hand page, the right one = left hand page - SO I "welded" the two 1/2 thumbs together to make it look book-like.

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