No Time For Sitting Down!

Well, there were little times of sitting in church this morning but then this afternoon I was off, out to the studio. 

I'd been contacted by local furniture-maker, Oli Robson, who was wanting to use the studio for good photos for his business. This was a practice day, for me to find out "the look" he had in mind and a teaching day for him to learn how to get that look. He partially forms the elements of his chairs from green wood, then dries them before continuing the construction.

It was an interesting afternoon, coming on the birthday of The Late Mate, he would have liked to have seen the work of another craftsman with a very different style to his own.

By the way, this isn't the usual type of rush seating, Oli buys fabric and rips it and twists it to form each of the strands in this seat.

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