
By MsQuizzical

Has Jack Been Up To Mischief?

I called in on Fishers Green on the way to the shops to check on my grebes. One of them was still sitting. The leaves on their weeping willow are providing beautiful cover now.

I found a broken empty egg on the path opposite the nest. I'm fairly sure it was a Great Crested Grebe egg. :( When they leave the nest they cover their eggs with debris to keep them warm which stains them. This egg was a mottled off-cream.

As I made my way back to the car I heard a commotion from some Canada geese. They are very vocal birds and most have goslings at the moment, which they protect fiercely.

Suddenly Jack Heron appeared. They had been mobbing him. Herons will take young birds. Not sure whether he was the culprit who stole the grebes' egg. There are plenty of magpies about.

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