
The occasional twinge in a tooth over the last few days had turned in to full-blown toothache this morning, so I phoned the dentist's for an appointment thinking that I' may get one next week. But I was lucky - they'd had a cancellation for this morning. It was a rush, but MrM drove us into Berwick and I just about made it in time, to discover that they were running late by then! No matter.

Turns out the pain was coming from two teeth, in which old fillings had deteriorated. The dentist re-filled one there and there, and I have another appointment on Friday for the other to be done. It's going to be an unexpectedly very expensive week. Sigh! Some serious money-juggling will be needed.

Once out of the dentist's I tried to phone MrM, who was in town doing some Christmas shopping. No success as his phone wasn't charged! No sign of him in a couple of shops where I thought he may be, so I dashed down to the Green Shop for a couple of things, before MrM tracked me down in a card shop. He had bumped in to Alan and Cheryl who had invited us to join them in a café, where MrM enjoyed a coffee. I opted for a glass of cold water, as half my face was still very numb!

Home for a very late light lunch. Then time for a few household chores before Jimmy arrived for a meal, one of MrM's delicious curries. He and MrM have gone to a music session, leaving me to a quiet evening.

These two birds, sitting towards the top of the tree as the light faded, looked as though they were discussing their day as they surveyed the land around them.

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