tempus fugit

By ceridwen

My vegetable love*

My perennial kale is taller than me (5' 3") and stout enough to create these mighty bone-heavy trunks which in this one has to be propped up lest it collapses under its own weight. The plants just go on growing once you stick a stalk in the ground. The leaves become huge and thick and require a good boiling (I shred them first), but strained and tossed in olive oil and black pepper they make a hearty healthy  side dish. The young shoots are sweet and tender enough to add to a mixed salad. 
Vegetables are wonderful! 

So are fruit. The winner of the this year's Turner Prize has just been announced as Veronica Ryan (66) whose fabulous giant sculptures of Caribbean fruit are a tribute to the Windrush generation of  immigrants.
 See here and here.

* My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow 
 (from Andrew Marvell, To his Coy Mistress)

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