tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Old bones

Passing by a shop front in our county town of Haverfordwest it was curious to see folk inside hunched over an array of ancient artifacts and human remains. They were volunteers sorting and washing items that have been found in the ground below a site scheduled for re-development. Over 300 skeletons have been unearthed from what seems to have been a Tudor age cemetery, probably associated with a Dominican friary. Most of their owners did not make old bones and indeed over half were children. An epidemic, an attack by rebel forces,  or simply the abbreviated lifespan of mediaeval folk?

The bones will be sent away for analysis by archaeologists before being re-interred in an appropriate place.

Also intriguing were some of the other items found such as pottery floor tiles and sea shells (cockles, mussels, oysters). These suggest that seafood was a staple when Haverfordwest was still a port. In latter years the river access silted up and sea fishing is no longer an option.
(Colours slightly enhanced as it was very dim inside. Many venues are trying to reduce  electricity usage.)

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