Carolina's journal

By Carolina


I took some photos from the balcony before dinner , then saw the sky as we were clearing the table and ran up to the balcony for a shot!  I was able to get off a few sets of shots before the sun was down too far.    This one captured the red of the sky just right !!     Thanks Jensphotos for hosting  this month Jen!!   
   Thanks to all who have dropped by and given me hearts and stars of late and so appreciate your comments too.   I will be posting results for the MM  shortly. 
  My brother, John, had a bit of a scare this morning as they thought he had a stroke.  We prayed and proclaimed the word of him and a while later after tests the Doctors said it wasn't a stroke but don't know what it was.  John had lost his eye sight for a while I guess.    
     Of course lots of great shots!   I am dividing them up as follows:  5 using the sun and 5 using alternate light.
        Anneli    sunburst


   Thanks to everyone who entered and sorry I couldn't give hearts out to those who came in close! 
   See you all next monday  it's all about the eyes!   It should be some kind of close up.   #MM464,

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