The Trondheim Troll

Out of a leaden sky the flakes came singly at first in a haphazard trip to the ground where they individually wondered,as the lay there, whether to melt or not.
When the main body of snow flakes arrived, they decided to lie and the scene was transformed into a winter wonderland. It didn’t last long. The snow stopped before it was deeper than a few millimetres and eventually the sun came out and melted what lay on the pavement and paths to a mucky slush.
If it freezes tonight we will be in trouble unless the pavement gritters get out.

My brother has been telling me the way to warm up is to make and eat ‘stovies’.
To that end I slithered to the local butcher to get dripping. This figures largely in his recipe and remember my Mum’s recipe added sausages.

I like to think I am a pescatarian rather than a vegetarian, but I’ll have to renounce that latter adjective now that I’ve not only bought 2 fat sausages today but enjoyed black pudding at Andaluz on Tuesday. I can hardly look at my self in the mirror, I feel so guilty.

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