
By scribbler

Refreshing: Pool

Day 10 of the challenge: the topic is "Refreshing."

Matt Dishman Community Center in NE Portland.

Taken after yoga, just before I had a refreshing dunk.

This little boy is refreshing his dad with a bucketful of water poured on his head!

Refreshingly quiet.
Usually when I take a water aerobics class here, there are kids like this one yelling in the shallowest part (some as young as six months), then two classes at the same time (one deep, one shallow, full of laughing and chatting participants) with instructors shouting into their microphones over the music, and lap swimmers in the far lanes raising noisy waves with their butterfly strokes and powerful kicks.

Last but not least, "refreshing" reminds me of jumping into the deep water as an aquatics instructor at the shallow end of the pool called, "Reeee-freshing!" Sometimes I would enjoy this so much that I would climb right out just so I could jump in again. :)

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