Defying Gravity

Somehow the blocks of stone in this lean-to wall have been defying gravity for a while now. A combination of erosion and crumbling mortar are slowly taking their toll. I really like all the patterns in the eroding stone and the textures of the old wood.

The cottages next door to this are being part demolished and looks like new internal walls are going up (the roof has already come off)…looks like they may be knocking three small dwellings into one bigger one…so I fear that this old ‘shed’ (which used to part of a blacksmith) has a limited future.

Another ’failing wall’ blip.

Hopefully we shall be tuning into a ‘livestream’ of our nephew’s wedding in the USA later tonight..unfortunately it’s at the same time as the football, but sadly the bride wouldn’t agree to delay the ceremony by an hour…

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