A day in the life

By Shelling

The Pond

It's been a bad day. At least from a nice-walk point of view. Windy, minus four, grey. Apart from that, it's been a normal, average sort of day. All morning was spent rehearsing and preparing for coming concerts. After a good lunch I went to the recycling centre to deposit some trash. It's close to where I used to live so I went for a walk around The Pond, one of my favourite short walks when I lived closer to it. 

I've used this motif before, the 14th of march 2020, during the time we slowly learned about the restrictions we might have during Covid. We are through the pandemic-stage, even if we probably will have to live with Covid as an annual decease among other influensas. There is a world of experience between the two pictures and even though todays one is taken during dreadful conditions, I like it as a mark of time, possible through Blip.

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