Number 2

Remember AW saying 'nr. 5' yesterday?  I ended up reading number 2 instead.  I opened it and read it all the way through, long after AW had returned home from the bridge tournament in Oudenbosch.  It took off like a rocket!  It was only after I was done with it that I went to the supermarket for some errands, including something for dinner.  

This does NOT mean, however, that I will order the rest of his work en masse.  What I might do, and I mean it, too, is order perhaps a couple of books more, read them, and then reserve them as a gift for a friend or a colleague.  Seriously.  I won't put this on my bookshelf, no.  It will make someone else happy.

You might wonder why I just don't borrow it from the library.  This is The Netherlands and most of the books in the library are in Dutch, including translations of works like this.  I do prefer reading the originals in English and Dutch books in Dutch.  I cannot read French, German, or Spanish, so I'll settle for the translations of those.  The library does have English books, of course, but, understandably, they are not as extensive in number.  I also have Dutch books in my collection -- sorry, our collection, because AW was an avid reader in his younger years.  The funny thing is that, ever since I came here, he's been brushing up on his English by reading my books.  :D)))

Not a bit of work today before and during AW's absence, and even after he returned.  Reading and gaming it was.  Pure Sunday.

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