Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

The things you see ...

... when you haven't a gun.

Having established that it, almost, invariably rains on Mayday, folks are bound to wonder why they don't move it to today.

Barely a cloud, streets closed off, 19 assorted "gannins on" varying from "Castellers de Vilafranca" and their "7 & 8 storey human castles" I think a "storey" = 1 person on grounds that 6 storeys = twice the height of the "George Hotel".

Through a 30' look-into pig which invited you to "...take a peek at a 10 min long show that takes place inside her belly." (Rows of sprogs peering through removable nipples)

To "Turbo Jones scratching and breaking into a one man break-dance sensation."

Not to mention "The eccentric Admiral and his sanitised Butler set forth in their "Wheeled Bathing facility."

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