My new rower

OK - so there's got to be a reason why the Rower is called Rower2012.  It's because indoor rowing is our preferred exercise.  It is a sport in it's own right, and bl**dy hard it is too.

So - the Masters' Games are being held in Adelaide next October, and in a moment of madness - egged on by our trainer at the Blackwood Rec - we have enrolled to compete in the 500 metres, the 1,000 metres and the 2,000 metres.

It's impossible to get to the gym for training every day, plus there are quite strict rules on the use of cardio equipment; AND they don't maintain the equipment properly.  This is a cause of constant frustration.  It takes almost as long to clean the equipment as it does to actually do some training.

So - I had to get a Rower didn't I?  Of course I did.

My main problem is that it's rather heavy, so I'll attempt to set it up in the garage in the short term, and worry about getting it down to the basement next week.

I'm looking forward to this - masochistic I know, but it's great for all sorts of reasons, not the least because at our age there aren't very many people competing, and we have every chance of an Australian record.

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