The Fecund Fallow

Onto the fourth section of Darkling, the "Fecund Fallow":

Fecund: high-yielding; fertile; fruitful; rich.
Fallow: dormant; inactive; idle; slow.

At great cost, our culture has neglected the fallow. There is a relentless call for more, based on a misguided belief that the resources of our planet - and of our souls - have no limits. ...

Rest is not merely a means to an end... It is an essential part of our aliveness. There is beauty and life in the wintering times...

God of stillness,
Let us be idle.
Let us wait, slow, pause, rest, hibernate.
Let us find the fecundity in the fallow.

Our cats certainly know how to be still and rest, good examples for us. Feathers asleep in front of the fire, dinner bubbling on top.

- getting our medicals for our second attempt at Portuguese licenses
- getting our bedding washed and dried on the line, in between more showers
- picking some of our olives to cure, better late than never

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