
The thaw  begins!  Another chilled start to the day weather wise, but the temperature has slowly risen through the day so the frost and snow is all but gone - it will be nice not having to de-ice the bird baths everyday for a while!

Another productive morning for me - got the tree finally put up last night, and this morning has been spent wrapping some family gifts and also sorted through my photographs. I'm still in the habit of getting some printed every month, via free apps, as I find I rarely look at my snaps online, but storage in boxes is becoming an issue! It has been lovely to sit down and look back through images I've taken but not sure it's a sustainable thing to do! I need to rethink my outlook!! Or take less photos haha!! Blip has made me worse!!

Quiet afternoon reading now and enjoying watching a video on Youtube of a snowy train ride through Norway! 

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