Da Thaw Has Started

Air temperature meant to be warmer, but a biting cold wind.  Some rain and then haily-puckles at times.  

Up early, early shift in the airport.  Not many flights, but they were busy.  I was mostly on the check-in desk.  Mam popped by with Christmas presents at teatime.  Working in the shop this evening, and it's been extremely busy.  My last shift in the shop this year.  A quick pint on my way home.

The big thaw has now started.  The low level snow will be melting first, leaving the hills still snow capped, for the time being.  Down the south mainland never really got much in the first place, it'll soon return to the winter greens, yellows and browns.  The only exception is the higher hills, like here at Fitful Head.  Wonder of it will still have snow in the morning? Taken from West Voe, Sumburgh.  

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