Mid Brae Snow

A lovely sunny and calm day, cold again too.  It snowed in the afternoon, bringing traffic to a standstill for a while.  A lovely calm evening too.

Another day off and up early.  Some chores first thing, then out walkies and swung by Madeline's.  Headed up north for a run just before lunch.  Still waiting on new flooring to arrive, but got the old sitting room carpet ripped up in the afternoon.  Bumped into friend Gemma this evening, and walked around the village.  Off to bed early. 

We've had quite a bit of snow in Scalloway over the past week or so, but nothing compared to areas up north.  The roads were fairly clear, power restored to most in the area now, although many still without on the west mainland.  I've been lucky enough to be able to enjoy the snow, well apart from early shift driving, I just love a winter wonderland.  Looking across Busta Voe, with the Mid Brae Inn in centre, Brae. 

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