Snowy Walkies

A lovely calm and fairly sunny day.  No new snow, but still cold.  A lovely evening tonight.  

Day off and slept well.  My leg is seeing a big improvement, I can actually sleep on my side again.  A morning puttering about the house, clothes on the wash line, which didn't dry.  Walkies around the village.  Picked up friend Julie and headed down to see Laura, then popped along Shannon and Robert for a cuppa.  On our way back, we came on a recent crash, where someone hit black ice.  An early start in the shop, and a busy evening.  Feet up now.

Nipped out for a walk with the dogs while at Laura's, headed up the road.  Now signs of any major thaw happening yet, the snow is now frozen and still covering vast areas, even on the hills down the south mainland.  It fairly brightens up the landscape.  Olly and Keba out on their walkies, Sammy stayed with Madeline, as he hates the noise of ice in the car.  Taken up the Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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