Yosemite Falls, This Time in the Sun

Tuesday's shot of the Falls was full of fog and mystery; here you can see it clearly in all it's magnificence. Yosemite Falls is North America's tallest waterfall at 2,425 feet above the Valley floor. We've hiked the switchbacky trail up to the base of the upper falls a couple times--it is wildly exciting to see the huge basin of water and to feel the power of it in your bones. Mr S has hiked the 7.2 mile round-trip up to the very top of the falls, but there is no way I could do that climb. Here is a factoid for you: it is the equivalent of climbing the stairs of two Empire State Buildings. Today we are content to stand across the meadow and merely observe. It is a good vantage point to see the three sections of the Falls.

I was reluctant to start the ride back home--so many trails, so little time--and it was sunny and warm and so lovely. And just about as soon as those words were out of my mouth, the clouds began to gather over the falls, it got quite a bit darker, and rain began to fall again.

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