
By Wildwood

Padden Lake

The Bellingham blippers have outdone themselves showing us their town. Last night we had dinner with LocalFood Lover and Philpo who gave us a wonderful dinner of local food and wine. We had a lovely evening getting to know each other and sharing stories.

Today Local Food Lover took us to the farmer's market which had much more than food to offer. There were people of all ages trying out bicycles,musicians, young performers from the local circus school, craftspeople with all manner of hand made items ranging from soap to cards and prints and quilts and, of course, fresh produce and baked goods. A house currently on the market provided a perfect place for local artists, including blipperArtist Annie, to show some of their work. We then met Artist Annie and her husband Arvin at a Fairhaven bookstore. cafe. Finally we had a walk through Lake Padden Park where we saw, among other things, a bald eagle surveying his domain from just out of decent camera range.

Meanwhile Philpo took OilMan and His Lordship on a tour of Bellingham's brewpubs. (It would appear that there are a LOT of them....)

We leave Bellingham tomorrow morning with many memories of a beautiful place and wonderful, welcoming people.

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