Homeward Bound

I took this quick shot with my smartphone as we waiting for our car service to pick us up from the airport. The time difference and traveling all day has me without a great photo opportunity today.
Still, I landed back in New York today after an amazing adventure in Morocco and wanted to share my thoughts. This was not one of those trips where you stay in Five star hotels and dine in the top restaurants. This was a trip of experiencing the culture and the people of Morocco.
It wasn't always easy and it wasn't always glamorous but it was one of the more memorable trips I've ever had. Sometimes you read a book or see a movie that you end up talking about for weeks. This trip was like that.
We started in Casablanca and drove to Rabat. We had not yet acquired a sense of trust and yet we were greeted by people willing to help us with our luggage and to guide through the mazes of the walled medinas to our riad. Yes, they expected to earn a little for their help but it was really very little and we were not misled. Each time we got more comfortable with the routine and the offers for assistance .

We traveled from Rabat to Fez then to Meknes, Marrakech, Essaourria and back to Marrakech driving a rental car on our own not knowing any of the language. and with many funny mishaps along the way. We walked a lot, climbed lots of winding stairways, bargained for EVERYTHING and came home with more luggage than we left with to fit all our treasures. The Arab people were extremely friendly and welcoming.

I am happy to be back and to be sleeping in the familiar comforts of my own home but I am also much more appreciative of these comforts now.

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