Mono Monday - Christmas

Community Choir coffee morning today. Amazingly the earlier bus I went for actually turned up.  Helped to serve the teas and coffees and used just about every mug in the church - singing is thirst work!  A fun morning of raffles, competitions and carols.  Walked into Bingley afterwards and bought a few bits - heavy to carry as usual!  Spied this post box topper as I was walking to catch the bus home.  He looks much nicer in colour though (extra)!  I posted some last minute cards - hope the collection day indicator on the box isn't correct!  Saw friends J & D as I walked through town - D has not been well with the nasty cold which is going round and had spent yesterday in bed.  He told me this after chatting to me, then said I had better stand further away in case I caught it!  :-)). Need to fill in some missing days, but off out again soon, so hopefully later.

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