It's been an odd day somehow, but I'm not sure if I can put my finger on why!

I woke at 4.30am and only got another hours sleep before I got a cup of tea. Then I paid my AAC subscription and sent emails to try and book onto two meets. Success with one so far.

Later I only lasted for 45 minutes  at The Climbing Unit before I'd had enough, but I'd done quite a lot... and climbing through Alan's chat. He can talk for England, but he's done no end of stuff and mostly it's interesting :-)  I think the staff there think we're an item, but we're not.

I drove to The Wyvern, intending to buy THE CHEESE, my contribution to the Swansea Christmas, but after going to Sainsbury's and getting my personal shopping I found that the way to the M&S Foodhall was ridiculously congested... and after three traffic light changes I gave up and headed for home. 

The way was long and slow, which is how I managed to take the photo. Probably still illegal though. But there were two of these trains/lorries and our way was blocked by the escorting van, so I snapped.

Once home I made lunch, hung the washing, wrapped presents and cleaned the bathroom. It's good to be home.

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