Homemade Soup - What Warm Comfort

We had quite a cold day. I felt like I was chilled all over even though I was inside. Today is Brooklyn’s 12th birthday. She had a day filled with friends so we will see her later in the week. My sister and BIL came for a visit to drop off a fun gift we are giving our children; cell phone jails. Every home with teens needs one of these. Lol. My sister also picked up a tub hiding our BIL’s gifts that we ordered for her. They invited us to a concert tonight but I believe I’ll stay home with the fireplace. Kristen furnished our lunch. Hubby’s bowl is pictured above: chicken taco soup. Boy was it delicious and perfect for today. Jamie also stopped by with a big container of chili for tomorrow’s lunch. How blessed we are. We should have enough roast from tonight’s dinner to make some hearty beef stew for Thursday. The body needs warm soup when it’s this cold outside. Hubby brought the firewood rack from the shed and filled it on the front porch. I have placed our gifts to each other under the formal living room tree. We usually take off for Tennessee the day after Christmas. It will be nice just the two of us opening gifts by the fire after all the hustle and bustle is over. We know some of what is hidden by the wrapping paper but the cozy experience is special. I originally wrote “on 26 December” but our mother called while I was typing and we are having Mass/lunch at her home with Fr. Bill that day. The rest of that week is up in the air. I have promised Kim and Kristen we will dog sit when needed. Kim will be out of town for two days and Kristen’s family will be on a cruise/in New Orleans from 25 Dec-4 Jan. Sky’s boyfriend is also helping with their three monster pups. Oh well, I will rest in January…. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe and well. “Soup is a lot like a family. Each ingredient enhances the others; each batch has its own characteristics; and it needs time to simmer to reach full flavor.” - Marge Kennedy

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