
By Beewriter

Dragon Boat Racing

I woke up early this morning after a bad night's sleep. I have a bit of a cold but it is totally surpassed by dreadful hay fever yesterday and last night. I have a Belisha beacon for a nose and my chest is so tight I could hardly breathe when I swam this morning. I gave up doing lengths as I thought I might drown and instead sat in the jacuzzi then the steam room.

I'm having my tooth refilled at the dentist tomorrow morning after chipping it just over a week ago. I hope I can breath properly in the chair and I don't have a coughing fit mid drilling...could be nasty!

I went for a drive around to see what photo lay in wait for me. I ended up near the Quays and spotted some dragon boat racing going on. I parked up on a single yellow line and went for a shufty. I can never remember whether you can park on single yellow lines or not so I didn't plan to hang about too long. I presumed the traffic wardens would be out in force as there is a match on at United this afternoon and there were fans swarming around all over the place.

One of the teachers from the senior department was there as her husband was in one of the boats so I had a quick chat. I didn't have my telephoto lens with me, it was absolutely peeing down and I arrived just as the final race was about to start...very bad timing. None of the shots were brilliant but as I'm home now and don't intend to go out again in the rain this shot will have to do. It is the winning team of the day slowing down at the jetty after powering through the water.

I did some dragon boat racing once in Chester on the Dee, it was great fun and I wouldn't mind having another go sometime.

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