My Best Efforts - Year 3


Bacopa........(with raindrops!)

..........I have not had these plants before but if they live up to their promise, they will spread and help to bulk up baskets and tubs containing other plants Each little flower is only about 1/2 inch across. They are half-hardy and do not like to become too dry. Also bought some Cosmos, large plugs of F1 White geraniums and some called Raspberry Ripple and some small fuschia. Cleared an Urn for some and a pot for some more and down came the rain!! So that put an end to any more planting for the afternoon - should have started earlier but various phone calls and then neighbours popping in for coffee put a stop to that idea! Ah well!!!

The day started off beautifully but about 2.30pm when I just got into my stride in the garden, it completely changed and has been raining ever since! - not that warm either - only deg C !

Hope it's been a bit better where you are and that you have had a good weekend.

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