Wild Wednesday ...

... wild adventure.

Today was the first day of Winter in this hemisphere ... and contrary to popular belief it's not the "shortest day of the year"!  It's 24 hours long just like every other day!  But it is the day with the shortest amount of daylight hours!

There ... that had to be said!  :-)

Because we are expecting the next couple of days to be rainy and just downright awful we switched our normal Thursday eat-out night to tonight.  We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant as I'd heard that this location was sadly closing and moving to a new location at the end of December.  The new location isn't as close to us as the original so I'm quite bummed out about whole move.  We probably won't be getting to the new location on a regular basis.  

I'd had also heard of a great Christmas light display that we planned to visit after eating.  This turned into quite a wild adventure as the main artery that we would have taken to get there was pretty much a parking lot due to a six vehicle accident.  So we checked Google Maps for an alternate route and 30 minutes later arrived at Lights in Greenawalds.  Yes ... they have their own name and it's listed on Google Maps!!!

But I have to say I was a bit disappointed in the display.  There were plenty of lights but I really expected more from what I'd read about the display.  In my mind it wasn't worth the time and effort to get there.  Oh well ... you live and learn.  

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