Meeting up with M

After such a scary week last week with Fletch it was good to meet up with my good friend Flavia13 ! 

F is still not 100 % but we managed a stroll round ' Whitewater village' which is actually all Time Share properties . The rain kept off thank goodness. 
Extras  show  the water rushing under the bridge at Whitewater hotel. I remember,  about 13 years ago the water level was so high it went over the top of the bridge  
A couple of extra as, as usual, after carefully rationing my 100 allocation so I dont run out I've more than enough
Cafe Ambio was not too busy and we got a table  by the window.  I'd taken a bit of food for Fletch in his 'packed lunch box'  and he happily scoffed that and then gave M 'The look'  till she succumbed  and gave hime of her ciabatta, and then some of mine. It is so good to see he is hungry again.

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