St. Nicholas

... meets St. Francis! Father Christmas is in snowy woodland, and it's night-time as he feeds all the wild animals, who trustingly approach him. Oh, and there's a hint of Florence Nightingale about him, too, as he has a lamp not dissimilar to hers! 

I do like to have a Christmassy jigsaw on the go at this time of year, especially when family will be joining us. Then anyone who wishes can stick in a piece or more. This is only a cheap one from The Works, but it's enjoyable. I also find jigsaws a comfort when I'm not feeling well, so I started this today.

Thank you for your good wishes. I spent all morning in bed and am already feeling the benefit. Obviously, I'm not healed overnight, but feel so much better than yesterday - chest much less tight and coughing less. Onwards and upwards ...!

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