Christmas Eve

And the three wise men are on the bookshelf.  Years ago, I taught Sunday School and the week before Christmas we put up a small Nativity scene in the classroom.  The three Wise men we put on a shelf nearby.  Afterall, they were not there on Christmas day, were they?  They arrived on 12th Night, the feast of the Epiphany on January 6th.  So, that's where my wise men are, waiting for their big entrance in a couple of weeks.  Which reminds me of a funny thing I read a while back.  What if it had been three wise women?  "3 wise women would have asked directions, arrived on time, help deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, baked a casserole, brought practical gifts and there would be peace on earth."   Amen to that.  No matter what else you learn from the wise men, remember to follow your star!

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