Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


20 weeks today!

Am slowly recovering after my fall still rather black and blue in places and scabby on my cuts but they are itching so must be healing.

Back to work tomorrow and I really can not be arsed to tell the truth.
Have got a pile of stuff to deal with this week which I really couldn't care less about. These next 10 weeks are going to drag.

Hospital appointment on Wednesday scan and consultant.

Will be very relieved to have this appointment, even though they checked me and the boys out on Monday I'll be super glad to see them again and know they are both ok.
I think it's the fall that has turned me from being ok into a worry wart, the fact that their movements and how they feel have changed (bit more like solid bumps and pokes instead of flutters but not sure what it should feel like) and the fact that next Saturday would have been my due date for the baby we lost in October (which is making me a little sad).

Mr L is happy as United have won and is sat watching the footy and the retirement of the big man!
Thanks for the last 26 Sir Alex

Better get myself sorted for work :-(

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