Adam's Images

By ajt


Busy day today. I took the dog for a walk to the hippodrome in the morning and in the afternoon we took him to the beach as well. The sand had just the right gradient and moisture content to make walking easy so my mother-in-law was able to walk all the way to the end and back - she normally gives up halfway and sits down. Today was bright but bitter cold and it wouldn't have been nice sitting on a rock.

Today's back blip is my mother-in-law's dog jumping over some water - he did clear the water with dry feet. The extra is a view of Intra-Muros with the sun behind some clouds.

We also did a shopping run and then in the evening we went into town to look for things and see the Christmas lights. There was some interesting cidres which we got later on as gifts and some cidre-rhum blends as well.

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