Happy Birthday Sophie

Sophie was 6 the other day but her party was today at Build-a-Bear. 12 girls including Sophie.......Mummy Norma is a bit mental!!!

Sophie is 3 from the left at the front of this crowd.

The girls all had a great time.

We then headed along to Frankie & Benny's for a late lunch. Mummy Norma was at the front......then 6 sets of 2 girls all holding their build a bear box and their partner's hand.....then me at the back shouting at the state of their line!! lol. The girls were very excited by this point and the restaurant didn't know what hit it!!

Home now 3 of my kids are in bed but only 2 sleeping as wee Johnny is reading.

I have lots of photo's for Sophie and her Mum, Norma to keep although I just need to sort through them all.

See you all later.


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