Boxing Day in the park

It wasnt raining! We got ready to go off, only to realise that a taxi was parked right across our gates. I phoned the taxi company who said theyd contact the driver. 10 mins later and they said they couldnt contact him as he was 'probably asleep' as hed been on a long shift and was now finished for a few days. It occured to us that he may therefore not be using the car for a few days .. So at midday I phoned the non emergency  police number who said theyd contact the driver. 

Too late to go far  so we walked up to the park which turned out to be  a pleasant walk. While I was there a policeman phoned to say the driver was ' suitably embarrassed  and would move the car" . 
Fingers crossed the weather is ok tomorrow. We plan to go up into 'The Lakes' to celebrate my birthday

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