
I've been in the office all afternoon and early evening, writing this up on the train going back home. Finally got everything done but as usual it took me longer than hoped. I did at least enjoy the best part of the day, this morning, and got on the bike for a fairly brisk ride out to Burnsall and back. I got overtaken at speed by a small group just past Nesfield but I decided to chase and hook up with them - and actually managed to hang on the back quite easily. It was fun to be riding in a group for a change and good also to be working the legs a bit harder than I have of late. I need to do more of this.

I was chatting with the guy who runs the little shop in Kettlewell the other day, through which the Tour de France, almost unbelievably, runs next year. Typical dour Yorkshireman. He's convinced that a rogue sheep is going to derail the tour at some point and cause carnage on these little lanes. I was reminded of this today when these sheep positively stampeded across the road. I wouldn't want to guarantee that all of these farming folk are going to do as they're told and changed their schedules to accomodate a cavalcade of poncy cyclists from the continent!

In France le Tour is deeply embedded in the culture and everything and everyone happily stops to let the race go through smoothly (except I suppose when their farmers have something to protest about), but in England this concept is very new. Mind you, I have noticed that drivers generally are more aware of cyclists and I have the impression that I'm shown a lot more respect these days. There seems to be greater patience shown on the narrow twisty lanes, motorists less inclined to squeeze past. I'm sure this is a legacy of the success of our cyclists here in the last couple of years. It was also incredible to see how many people were out on their bikes today. Nearing home on the back road I briefly stopped to chat to a couple of people at one point, who were enjoying a day out, and they were simply amazed at the number of cyclists on the road, in pretty much a steady stream, interrupting what they thought would be a quiet walk along a little used country lane!

PS Home now and about to cook some food. Back a little later for a catch-up hopefully.

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