Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Christmas Day 2022

This is Sunday's blip, backblipped on Tuesday.

The day didn't start out very well as I had swollen eyes and lips when I woke up.  This is something that happens to me once in a while for no apparent reason, ever since I was a child.  I had the same two weeks ago and both times I felt completely wiped out.  After Claritin, ice packs and tea bags on my eyes, the swelling was down enough to look human again.

I had left the fruit salad to make this morning before going over to Darrin's family Christmas.  I wasted a lot of time feeling sorry for myself, so I knew we were going to run late.  It seemed to take forever to peel and cut up the fruit, especially since I wasn't feeling well.  PD helped and we got it done, leaving me 20 minutes to get ready to go.

We arrived about 10 minutes before brunch was served.  Everyone had made something to contribute and everything was delicious!  I had been hungry but eating made me feel even more tired.  I didn't even have the energy to get out my camera.  My blip was taken by Joyce, grandmother of the two little elves.  I asked her to send it to me so I would have a blip for today.

I lasted about another hour after our meal, but then asked PD to take me home.  I told him he could go back, but he wanted to stay with me.  I don't know why because I spent the rest of the day/evening napping in my recliner.  At about 9 PM I woke up enough to go to bed.

I am grateful to Mel and Joyce for always including us as part of their family.  When we were leaving we made plans to have dinner with them after New Year's.  We are so lucky that Becky has such wonderful inlaws!

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