Is That the Bluebird of Happiness I See?

My husband is an avid caretaker of our local bird population. The birds count on him to put out food and water for them, especially during the rough parts of the year. When he put out fresh water and then told me we had bluebirds out front, I ran out onto the porch with my camera. Just one bird was left by the time I got there, it had flown up into a tree, and I got more than a dozen decent shots of him!

I think this is just about the bluest Eastern bluebird I've ever seen. I am showing you the back view because that is really pretty much as blue as it gets. Look at those neatly lined up feathers, all tucked together in the back. What a beauty! And he (yes, it's a male, females are less colorful) has only one message for us today: Don't worry! Be happy now!!!

Our soundtrack song is this one: Bobby McFerrin, with Don't Worry, Be Happy.

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