Morning Daddy!

I love Sunday mornings. We all snuggle up in bed together. Toby normally brings in his gang (which at the moment consists of Bits, Oo-oo, Peppa Pig, George Pig, A very big cushion in the shape of a lighthouse which is rather imaginatively called lighthouse, Big Tigger and little Tigger - so its pretty crowded!). Whoever draws the short straw (normally Mr EG) goes downstairs to make cups of tea and get Toby's milk. Its just the best start to the day. And today was extra special because the sun was also streaming through the window. I got the camera out early because I was trying to copy a really cute shot I saw on-line of a little baby's gorgeous chubby legs but it didn't work out so well and I preferred this.

Had a great ride on Lime today - out for nearly two hours. His clip definitely paid off as he was flying round Broombriggs. He moved into his summer field today. His pal Jason was also supposed to be coming over with him, but he was out for a ride so he had to go in on his own. The other horses were up at the top of the field and showed no interest in him at first. Poor Lime just stood at the gate looking sorry for himself and wouldn't start grazing so I had to walk into the field a little way with him. He was really clingy, especially when one of the other horses finally came down to greet him. Its so interesting watching them interact and working out their place in the pecking order.

When I got back from the yard I took Toby and Eva to messy play with Bryony and Emily, whilst Mr EG did a few jobs. Toby really enjoyed himself. Had a great day :0)

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