
By schorschi

Project Day

Feeling great today after the best night's sleep in months. Thanks for the good wishes.

Today I had to start on my secret project. Secret because Dave won't tell us what he is up to, so I thought I would get my own back. Went quite well, sawing, drilling, sanding, gluing etc. Eventually at 6:00pm phoned someone acting as my "godfather" on this project and he told me to come over with my work. One thing lead to another and at 9:17pm we met in the forest to finish the job. At 11:00pm we finally said goodnight.

The Blip was taken at 9:17pm and I can't work out how the camera managed to find so much light. It is a hint as to what the project is, but I don't think many will work it out. A help may be that it has something to do with animals - had to check this out though.

More tomorrow - have a great week all Blipers

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