Eye test

Rude awakening at 2 when Phin woke me barking quite insistently. He was waiting at the patio doors when I got downstairs and dashed into the garden. After he’d done what he had to do, he bounded upstairs and took over the bed until morning.

When I finally surfaced it was chilly and pretty wet for the early morning walk.

I had an eye test this morning, only a slight change to my prescription but as my current glasses are on their last legs I’ll need to get new ones. The cost is rather prohibitive so I might take my prescription to a different opticians. I did notice Asda had a very good deal on today but need to check the varifocals they supply will be as good as I’m used to. At a third of the price it’s very tempting!

Did some shopping including picking up some wool to make Mr PHL the Dr Who scarf he’s been asking for. The colours aren’t exactly as written in the pattern I’ve found online but I think they’ll work.

Cold but dry walk at teatime with the dog and a Chinese takeaway for dinner has made for a good evening.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting. A wee abstract of my old and potential new glasses.

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