Wet and wild

Very wet and windy today, I was glad Phin had a waterproof jacket to put on. He seems much more like himself today but we’ve stuck to small meals of chicken and rice with the addition of a little tinned food and some kibble this evening.

Nipped to the supermarket this morning, well 2 to be exact as the discount one didn’t have many of the treats I wanted to buy!

Managed to add a few more rows to my scarf this afternoon whilst Phin enjoyed a snooze.

Fajitas for dinner went down well. Sorted out the washing and got Miss PHL’s new bedding ready for her to take to the flat when she manages to get there again. She’s waiting to hear the results of her flatmates PCR test - required after a close contact tested positive. Hopefully it will be negative and she can move in as planned before Friday!

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