Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Good friends

Kay and Eric hosted a lunch party for a few of us today. We were missing two due to illness in their family.

It was just lovely to be among people who have all known each other for years. We are all walkers and met through the Haltwhistle Rings Walkers.

The food was delicious.

My blip goes to show that silliness is not only the preserve of the young! Kay found these spectacles reduced in Waitrose.

Joan was here for Mum. The other Marjorie came this afternoon. She is reading a book called The Swerve - How the world became modern, by Stephen Greenblatt. It sounded very high powered to us. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 2012.

I have made a chicken casserole with parsnips, honey and mustard. Interesting aromas are emanating from the kitchen.

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