The second half of life..

By twigs

Minnie Moo

Minnie's feeling a little miffed with a houseful of guests she doesn't know so she's been mooching around the garden and only coming indoors when she thinks there's no-one else about.

I've been feeling very sad, with a heartful of memories and a headful of questions so I've been mooching around the house and only going outside when there's someone who's visited (J1) or I who I wanted to visit.  That someone was J2, ostensibly to see her and A but really to have some kitty cuddles.

Not feeling in the least bit like celebrating New Year.  Feelings of super-sadness that the earliest we can have dad's funeral is 26th January, which will be over 4 weeks since he passed away.  It feels so disrespectful yet there is absolutely nothing we can do to change it.

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