
By Shutterup

End of the year

Not long before Christmas I found a sideboard on Gumtree going for free.. it was painted a wild turquoise blue with sparkles and contained the Festive Elfkini.. (bleurgh) It has since had a makeover and now contains my project materials.  I still do need to paint the knobs and will line the drawers (and perhaps varnish the wallpaper on the doors)  but this is such a happy little cupboard now compared to the one that arrived here! 
It is nice to finish this year with a positive.  I feel life slowly returning to some sort of normal finally and Christmas has been just lovely having the girls home and not doing too much outside of our family.  

The new year always fills me with anticipation and plans are afoot to get to Orkney together in the early summer (hopefully pre-midge!)I am super excited at that thought! I must research where my mother spent her time during the war and visit as much as I can while I am there. It will be a nice winter project to do that research. 
I am planning more painting and more house clearing and what the girls helped me with was fantastic. (if limited because of the need to relax and enjoy Christmas!)

Happy New Year to you all and see you the other side !

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