A safe pair of hands

I volunteered to drive Hannah down to Salford, today, and then suggested Dan come along, too, so we could change the DMs I gave him for Christmas. He's usually a 13, but the ones I gave him were too big.

We had a nice drive down, and Hannah treated us to breakfast at Forton services, before we dropped her off and went to the Doc Marten shop just by the Arndale Centre.

Now, I have to say that I have always been underwhelmed by the Dr Martens online experience - it's built, I think, on an inappropriate platform - but today I learned that online sales can't be exchanged in store, which suggests to me that they have yet to really embrace modern consumer habits.

But anyway... we went down to Forsyths so that Dan could buy a couple of stands, and then we popped in to see the Minx on our way home. Dan is pictured playing my guitar, and I like to think it was a Christmas treat for it to find itself in competent hands for once.

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